SEO prices

On this page, you will be able to view our SEO prices and be convinced that we offer the best prices in the market.

What is included in the price?

The final price depends on such factors as:

  • Competitiveness of the subject of the website: We don’t think it’s a big secret to you that the competitiveness of the subject of your website has greatest impact on the cost of SEO services. You would agree that there is a big difference between competing against 5-10 firms and against thousands of the most advanced organizations. The higher the level of competition, the better and more necessary to work out the content of the site and the greater the number of backlinks required by the site to reach the top of search engines.
  • Region: The larger the audience you want to reach, the more complex and painstaking the work is required on the site. For example, it will be easier to promote a company’s website in a small town than in London or around the world. Here, you have the same connection with the level of competition discussed above.
  • Frequency of keywords. The lesser the frequency of keywords, the lower the level of competition and the cheaper the price.
  • Scope of keywords. The greater the range of products or services you offer, the more work is required on the site. In any case, we will compile the most comprehensive list of keywords for the site and will work towards bringing them to the top of search engine.

What are our SEO rates?

The table below summarizes our standard rates, but the final cost of a project is negotiated individually.

Keywords with low level of competition
Full capture of keywords
Promotion in a small or non-competitive region
To order
Average degree of competition of the subject of the site
Full capture of keywords
High-frequency keywords are included
To order
Highly competitive subject
Full capture of keywords
High-frequency keywords
Competitive region
To order

So as can be seen above, the cost of our SEO services ranges from £400/month and above. We promote both simple projects worth £400/month and major projects worth £5,000-10,000. On average, our SEO services are worth about £700-800/month. Someone who has a little knowledge about the SEO services market would agree that our rates are very low for the range of services offered by us.

How do we mange to offer such low prices? Well, our team is made up of the best technical specialists from Russia and Ukraine, and journalists from the UK. That is why we can lower our costs on SEO experts and programmers. Besides, you perhaps know that Russia has one of the best technicians in the world. So, we can provide top-quality technical services at affordable prices. At the same time, native speakers (journalists from the UK) are there to write the best quality content for your site.

Contact us! We’ll evaluate your project, perform express audit and inform you of the final cost.